Architectural Design

When undertaking whole house retrofit it’s advised to have a good design in place. This will ensure that everything you install from heating systems, ventilation systems to insulation work together.

When having works done in your house this is also the ideal time to consider any other upgrades that maybe taking place at the same time. Our architecture team are able to support.

Concept Design

Every design starts with an introduction meeting where we get to know you and your project. From here we can prepare a concept design helping you understand what is possible with your home.

Planning Applications

Certain home improvement will require a planning application this can be for an extension to go alongside a home upgrade or in some cases for the installation of a heat-pump.

Technical Design

We can work with your design and all the necessary details required to make your project compatible with low-carbon principles integrating natural materials if appropriate. We’re also able to support providing designes for heating and ventilation systems.

Ready to start your journey?

Book a free consultation to learn what you can do with your home